Please introduce yourself and your business to our community.
I am Tifany Brown, a native Houstonion who returned home after graduating from the University of Arkansas with a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing. Now 6 years later, I am a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner with a private practice, Versatile Therapeutics, LLC. I started Versatile Therapeutics as a virtual clinic offering telemedicine services for sick visits, medication refills, consultations, lab work, etc. I do not accept insurance which helps keep my prices affordable and easily accessible. I am not the type of provider who hands out medication for every symptom my patient mentions to me. I like to get down to the root of the problem and start treating you from there. In 2021, I will begin to grow my practice and offer a multitude of med-spa services as well. My goal is to make every patient feel good from the inside, then look just as good on the outside. We all know aging is inevitable, but how we age- now that, we have complete control of.
At what point in your life did you realize your passion?
I never in my life imagined I would be a nurse. When I went to college, I wanted to be an ophthalmologist but that quickly changed when I and University Chemistry didn’t quite get along. I remember praying and asking God to please tell me what I am supposed to be doing for the rest of my life and that very next morning I called my mom to tell her I was applying to nursing school. She was just as shocked as I was but still to this day I know this was the path He had planned for me because doors just keep opening. I knew I needed to become a Nurse Practitioner when I was working as an ICU nurse and was telling the doctors what orders to put in. You should always pay attention to when you have outgrown certain situations because if you don’t you may unknowingly stunt your growth.

What did you learn about yourself in 2020?
I learned that I have to leap not step. I kept telling myself to just take that first step and after that everything will fall into place but it is frightening to take a step. That’s why I decided to leap. When you leap, you don’t give yourself a chance to contemplate what the next step may be and if you are prepared for it. You just go all in and figure it out as you go. You can buy course after course, read blogs, watch videos, pay for consultations and attend all of the conferences you desire, but none of that will replace personal experience and learning from your own mistakes.
What do you attribute to your success in life and business?
God, my support system and self determination.
It is important for us to nurture a community of black women that share, learn, and thrive together. Please share a story of failure that taught you a valuable lesson.
A couple of years ago, I was really into the super cute personalized tumblers. I started doing some research on how to make them and discovered this entire creative world that I did not know ever existed. I took a deep dive into youtube videos, Pinterest, Facebook groups, etc, and decided I was going to start a business that made personalized tumblers, glasses, and gifts. I purchased the Cricut Air machine, the epoxy, tumblers, glitter, vinyl…everything I needed to start this business. Then I made my first cup and failed, miserably. Tried again a second, third and fourth time- yup still failed. The women on youtube made it look waaaaaay easier than it really was. I was bamboozled and stuck with a bunch of supplies and equipment that was not going to make me a single penny. The lesson I learned was not to believe everything you see from somebody else because nine times out of ten they are leaving out a few steps that will have you face planting on the ground. It is okay to trust, but do your due diligence and verify.
Please let us know the woman you were 5 years ago and who you’re becoming?
Whew! Five years ago I was a 23-year-old girl with a decent paying career and not one thing to show for it. I was out on the scene every Thursday-Sunday night, traveling and having fun without a single responsibility other than myself. The woman I am becoming is breaking generational curses and building the foundation that my kids can one day build upon so that our family will be self-sustaining and secure.

What women in your life have been a source of inspiration?
My mom of course. She was a first generation college graduate who also obtained her Master’s Degree after having me. She is a teacher who has made an impact on so many children’s lives. My mom always told us how important it was to get an education because knowledge is something that can never be taken away. My sorority advisor in college inspired me to carry myself in a way that speaks for me before I can even open my mouth and when I do open my mouth, to make sure what comes out is powerful.
Celebrate your wins! Brag, sis. What are you most proud of?
I am proud of ME! I am a dark skinned, 28 year old woman in America with two degrees and a private practice. I am proud of myself for surviving racism, I am proud of myself for choosing the books over the fun, I am proud of myself for ignoring the subtle disapproval of those who feel superior to me in the medical field, I am proud of myself for never giving up.
Quoting Audre Lorde, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” Please share your self-care routine.
Self- care for me is having time to just be. I sit on my couch with my favorite heating blanket, turn off the tv, put my phone on DND and just lay there without a single distraction. My mind is usually racing and telling me to get up and do xyz. But I don’t. I take a few deep breaths and eventually my mind begins to settle and I can just be. Then I list 5 things I am thankful for and spend time experiencing the feeling of appreciation. Doing this keeps me grounded and stops me from getting too caught up in the hustle and bustle of my busy day-to-day life.
You are part of our melanin muse tribe. How can we help you on your journey?
Continue sharing all of the melanin! When I was growing up, I did not see many dark skinned girls/women in the media, in movies, in school, in my doctor’s offices, on my sports teams etc. With that being said, seeing beautiful, successful, headstrong women on a daily basis who look just like me is more than inspiring! So keep doing you boo!