Please introduce yourself and your business to our community.
My name is Miracle Sturdivant and I am the creative behind Capturing The Miracle. Capturing The Miracle specializes in photography, videography, and editing. The one thing that my business is known for is capturing the true intimacy of a moment. I love to capture moments that are raw and honest, ones that make you feel like you’re actually in the moment when you look at them. I have a strong eye for detail and I utilize everything around me to capture the perfect moment. My goal is to connect with my clients and deliver a project that far exceeds their expectations while providing them with an experience that would draw them to come back. I love hearing positive feedback from clients about their experiences. The gasp and spark in their eyes when I share the finished product always remind me that I was born to create.
What has your journey been like to get where you are today?
Like any road to success, there have been some obstacles along the way. I’ve gone through so many phases in my career. Questioning if I’m producing my best work or even if I have what it takes to make a name for myself and thrive in this industry. My biggest hurdle I would say has been continuing to pursue my dreams while dealing with the criticism from those closest to me. I’ve had so many family members become aggravated with me simply because I won’t do what seems logical to them, get a regular job. I hung up my corporate hat early last year and I have no plans on returning back. My heart’s desire is to be a full-time entrepreneur operating in a space I created for myself. There is no stopping until I get there! In my many moments of doubt or uncertainty, I just reflect on my journey and how much I’ve progressed… MY GOODNESS HAVE I CAME A LONG WAY! That’s when I realize that I’m not too far from where I want to ultimately end up. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, you just have to keep going. Like the late Nipsey Hussle said in one of his last interviews, “My mentality when it starts to feel like it’s a lot is that’s what it’s supposed to feel like. If you’re going towards what the vision looks like… you’re supposed to be stretched… and you gotta embrace it.”
Set the mood for us at the cover muse shoot. What did you enjoy most about working with our cover muse? What was it like working with an all Black women crew?
Let me just say how amazing it is to see black women THRIVE. I found so much joy in just watching how everything came together so beautifully with team effort. The most enjoyable part for me was just watching the execution. The level of patience everyone had with one another, the encouragement, the energy was unmatched. This was my first time working with an all black women crew and I can honestly say that we black women are BADASS! When it comes to production, it’s often thought to be a male dominated industry. Seeing women of color in spaces that the world may see them as being unfit was motivating!
It is important for us to nurture a community of black women that share, learn, and thrive together. Please share a story of failure that taught you a valuable lesson.
I have always been the type of woman who loves to hear the words, “I’m proud of you” from those who I hold dear to my heart. I was in a relationship with a guy for about 2 years and found myself seeking validation from him in everything I was doing. I remember coming home being so excited about something I had just shot for the first time or gaining a new client that I thought was completely out of my league and him being nonchalant about it. All of my excitement felt like it was being sucked out of me because no matter how hard I was working, he always felt like I could be doing more or could have done it in another way that seemed more logical to him. It caused me to fall into a deep pit of depression where I ended up shutting down. Instead of removing myself from the relationship, I convinced myself that he was right and that maybe what I was working hard towards wasn’t for me and that maybe I should reconsider starting a business. I had no motivation to pick up my camera and it wasn’t because I felt like I couldn’t do it, it was because he made me feel like I wasn’t good enough for it. It took a while but I finally had enough of the mental abuse and the lack of support and decided that no matter how painful it might have been to leave, I would be much stronger without him. I left the relationship and my life hit a complete 180. The one thing that I learned and realized after leaving was that I should never seek validation from anyone. I knew the vision that God put in me was for me and if I held on, I would see it come to fruition. I saw an increase in business, my network expanded, my mind was clear, and I felt true joy being in a space where I could celebrate myself. I chose myself and by doing so I took back my power. As long as I’m making myself proud, that’s all the validation I’ll ever need.

Please let us know the women you were 5 years ago and who you’re becoming?
Taking it back to 21! Wow, the growth that has transpired as I sit here and reflect in all honesty brings tears to my eyes. I remember just being a girl who felt like I was just going through the motions of life. I questioned everything and I mean everything. I didn’t know what I was passionate about, I didn’t know what my purpose was, I didn’t know my worth, and I didn’t have a plan to figure any of it out. The thought of growing up was intimidating to me if I’m being honest. I was scared to take risks due to the fear of failure. I let life set my narrative instead of me setting the narrative of my life. Now being blessed to see 26, I am in awe of who I have become. I am a woman who is confident in who she is because she knows that God made her in his image. I walk into rooms with confidence knowing that I am who I am and that’s all that I need to shine. I am grounded in my craft, I understand that the talent I possess is rooted in me. I know my worth and I’m no longer afraid to walk away from situations that treat me less than. I understand that life is a beautiful journey and the best moments are those filled with being a blessing to others. There is no fear of the unknown for me because I know who holds my future. As long as I continue to do the groundwork, God will always take care of the rest. My story is still being written, we are just scratching the surface!
What women in your life have been a source of inspiration?
The most inspirational woman in my life just so happened to be the woman who gave me life, Pamela Renee Sturdivant. Around my sophomore year of high school, my mother battled silently with cancer. This was her second diagnosis within a two-year span and at age 16, I had no idea how to envision my life without her. She and my father kept the severity of her declining health amongst themselves praying that she would see a transformation in her diagnosis. In her moments of weakness, she taught me how to be resilient. NOTHING could stop her and she was determined to not let her diagnosis define her. She kept thriving in life and being the source of happiness for her family. She loved and she loved hard. She smiled and she never complained about anything. She made what she was carrying look so easy because she made the decision that she would never back down. She would only prevail whether on this side or the other side of life. On March 16th, 2011, my mother made her heavenly transition and lost her battle with cancer. I may have lost her in a physical state but her impact lives on through me. Any obstacle I face, I just think about her. I remember her response when I asked if she would be okay with all that was going on with her and smile. Her words were simple but so true, “Don’t you ever worry about me, God’s got me and no matter what comes my way, I will be just fine”. I know if she can push through and prevail over what life tried to use to steal her joy, there’s nothing that can stop me, her baby girl.
Celebrate your wins! Brag, sis. What are you most proud of?
WHEW! This is a tough one. I could go on for days of the many things that I’ve accomplished that make me proud. The one thing that stuck out to me in my head when I read this was actually pertaining to my work ethic. I LOVE THE FACT THAT I’M HUNGRY! I challenge myself with every shoot that I have to be better than the last. I haven’t become complacent in my journey.

Quoting Audre Lorde, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” Please share your self-care routine.
Self-care is the best care. It took me a long time to actually come to terms with it being okay to treat myself. Any of my closest friends could vouch for me when I say, I AM A WORK-A-HOLIC. My form of self-care involves three simple things: getting my nails done, drinking mimosas with my girls, and blasting my favorite 90’s playlist!
You are part of our melanin muse tribe. How can we help you on your journey?
I am honored to be a part of such a powerful tribe of women! Going forward, I would love to continue to work with you guys capturing the different cover muse sessions.
Provide links to your website and social media platforms below.
Website: CapturingTheMiracle.com
Instagram: Capturing The Miracle
Facebook: Capturing The Miracle